How to do Password Validation in jQuery using RegEx

You can force user to set a strong password during the registration process or change password process. Now the question in what you understand with the word – “strong password”.

Basic definition of strong password is that it should contain:

  1. At least one uppercase character
  2. At least one lowercase character
  3. At lease one numeric character
  4. At least one special character
  5. Minimum n number of character (we will take n=8)

To achieve the same thing in code we need to do following steps:

1. Create a basic html page containing a password input type and a button.

    Validate Password Field



2. Include jQuery library: There are two ways to do that

  • You can download jQuery library from and include it yourself.
  • You can include it from CDN ( Content Delivery Network ) like from Google and Microsoft.

We will going to use Google CDN


3. RegEx that will validate password which should contain uppercase, lowercase, numeric & special character. We will take minimum password length 8 and maximum 15.


4. Define a jQuery function to validate password

    function passwordValidation()
      if ($("#password").val().match(/^(?=.*d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[^a-zA-Z0-9])(?!.*s).{8,15}$/))
        $("#validationMsg").text("Password Looks Strong");
        $("#validationMsg").css("color", "green");
        $("#validationMsg").text("Password should contain uppercase, lowercase, numeric, special character and length limit is 8-15");
        $("#validationMsg").css("color", "red");

Validate Password Field in jQuery Using RegEx

1. On Button Click

To call function on button click, we need to define jQuery click() method somewhere inside already defined ready() method.

    //Funtion calling on button click using button id

2. When Name Field Loses Focus

To call function when cursor leave the box, we need to define jQuery blur() method somewhere inside already defined ready() method.

    //Funtion calling when cursor leave box using box id

3. Validate While Key-Pressing

To call function while key-pressing, we need to define jQuery keyup() method somewhere inside already defined ready() method.

    //Funtion calling while key-pressing using box id

If you have any question please feel free to ask in comments